2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team E Article 6June 19, 2024


This week, we redesigned the joints between the left and right wings and the fuselage. First, the left and right wings are joined by two spars, one at the front and the other at the rear. Each spar is made of multiple pieces of 3mm-thick balsa wood. The balsa is cut into a trapezoidal shape so that the dihedral of both wings is 5° each. The main wings and fuselage are joined with screws. A hole is drilled in the plywood board for the screw head. The front and rear screws are slid inward to prevent the wings from shifting in the front-back direction. In designing the wing, we were conscious of the flow of the moments around the three axes and forces along the three axes from the left and right wings to the fuselage. The gaps are filleted with styrene paper. 今週は,左右の翼と胴体の接合部を設計変更しました.まず,左右の翼の接合は,前と後ろの二本の桁で行います.桁はそれぞれ,3mm厚のバルサ材を複数枚重ねて作ります.バルサを台形にカットすることで両翼5°ずつの上反角を確保できるようにしました.主翼と胴体の接合はネジで行います.ベニヤの板にネジ頭が通る大きさの穴を開け,通したネジをひっかけることができる構造にします.前後のネジを内側にスライドしてひっかけることで主翼が前後方向にずれることを防ぎます.設計においては三軸まわりのモーメントと,三軸に沿った力が左右の翼から胴体に伝わるかを意識しました.隙間はスチレンペーパーでフィレットを作ります.
