2016 summer semester Flying Robot Project 15th Team DJuly 13, 2016


Last week, we decided to change the shape of the wing. So, in this week, firstly, we revised the wing. We cut the center of the strut, and scraped the edge so that it will reconnect at the different angle smoothly. Then, we reconnected the strut. As a result of this work, our wing got larger dihedral angle.
On Wednesday, we conducted the final flight test. Through the process of the revision, our plane came to fly more beautifully. It can fly straight and turn right or left. It also overcame the challenge about roll stability. After the first flight, we tried gliding. It flew as high as possible and it descended slowly without turning the propeller. Our plane showed one of the best gliding ability of the five.
About a half day after the flight test, we presented the result of this subject. In the former weeks, we set a goal of flying with 50g of payload, but we didn’t achieve it. In the presentation, we pointed out it. So I want achieve this goal next time.

Yuya Miyamoto
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

航空宇宙工学科3年 宮本悠矢
