2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team A Article 6June 19, 2024


On the sixth session on June 19th, we cut out the remaining parts of the main wings from balsa wood and assembled them. Specifically, we made the framework of the ailerons with balsa wood and covered them with washi paper. We also completed the framework of the upper and lower wings, which were partially finished. During this work, We struggled to connect the framework horizontally and properly. In the next session, our goal is to cover the upper and lower wings with washi paper, attach the ailerons, and combine them together. Additionally, we plan to reinforce the wings with square rods. 6回目となる6/19日は主翼の残りのパーツをバルサ材から切り出し、組み立てました。具体的にはエルロンの骨組みをバルサ材で作り、和紙を貼りました。また、作りかけであった上下の翼の骨組みを作製しました。その作業では、骨組みを水平にうまく繋げることに苦戦しました。次回の作業では、上翼と下翼に和紙を貼りエルロンと接合して合わせて組み合わせることを目標とします。また、角材で翼を補強する予定です。
