Entrepreneur ship アントレプレナーシップ

Despite of Japan's coming startup boom, to be an entrepreneur is still a little bit far to engineering students in Japan. However, we think the entrepreneurship is necessary to those students whether they will start their own business or not. Therefore we provide various opportunities of global entrepreneur competition to those students in order to nurture their entrepreneurship by experience serious and business oriented global competition.


How I outreach activities

Green Tech Contest in Taiwan

Techno-Science Cafe Photo

This student technology contest has been held by a non-profit organization "TECO foundation" in Taiwan for years. The contest focused on those technologies what makes impact on environment issues. 台湾グリーンコンテストは、台湾にある非営利組織である「TECO Foundation」が主催する学生技術コンテストであり、環境問題の改善に寄与する研究に焦点を合わせたコンテストです。

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Todai To Texas

High School students visits Photo

Todai to Texas is a project to bring tech-startup teams form The University of Tokyo to South by Southwest(SXSW). Todai to Texasとは、米国テキサス州オースティンで毎年開催されるSouth by Southwest(SXSW)へ、東京大学のテクノロジースタートアップチームを派遣するプロジェクトです。

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