2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team E Article 3May 29, 2024


This week, I first cleaned up the plank of the left wing. Taking great care not to damage the flange made of cypress and the ribs made of balsa, I roughly cut off the excess portions with a utility knife and finished with sandpaper. The structure of the Dbox can clearly be seen from an angle, as in the photo. Since the rigidity of the Dbox is much greater than I had imagined, I think I can reduce the width and thickness of the parts a little to reduce the weight. 今週は,まず,左翼のプランクをきれいに処理しました.ヒノキでできたフランジやバルサでできたリブを傷つけてしまわないよう細心の注意を払いながら,カッターで大まかに余分な部分を切り落とし,紙やすりで仕上げました.写真のように斜めから見ると,Dboxの構造がよくわかります.想像していた以上に剛性が大きくなったので,この先の工程ではパーツの幅や厚みをを少し削減して重量を減らす方にシフトしてもよさそうです.
