2014 summer semester 4thMay 21, 2014


 This week, each of the team first presented their own design of airplane by showing initial 3 view drawing. Then we’ve received advice from Mr. Kanegawa and Mr. Kimura. For instance, one of the team designed an aircraft which is small but also can fly in very slow speed, which is in fact almost difficult to realize from theoretical and experiential reasons. It turned out that the team has made a simple error in calculation, and it helped the team to revise the design.

 Afterward, we’ve moved to a workshop in which we’ll be working when we make an aircraft. In this room several airplanes from previous contests are displayed. By using these airplanes Mr. Kimura explained about the structural design and components arranged in an aircraft. Taking a wing for example, a spar is the most important structural component. It undertakes bending moment to convey lifting force from the wing to the fuselage. But the spar cannot undertake torsion, so we have to arrange another kind of structure in addition to keep the wing from twisting – a twist of a wing will cause unexpected lift change and make an airplane uncontrollable.

 By next week we have to revise our initial drawing and then make a structural 3 view drawing, which includes all kinds of the structure so that we can use it for actual production.

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Shun Fujioka



藤岡 駿
