2013 winter semester 1stNovember 06, 2013


In the last term we made radio controlled indoor airplanes, took part in the competition and we won. After the competition, we gathered and decided what we will do. In this term, we aim to make an auto-pilot system for indoor airplanes because when we begin this program, we wanted to made autopilot systems but we could not do because of the lack of time.

To make autopilots, we need to use microcomputers. However, no member can use them. As a result, we decided to buy microcomputers and study about them by ourselves. We bought "Arduino UNO". There are two reasons we choose “Arduino”. First, “Arduino” does not require much amount of electronic devices and we can begin practice easily. Second, many libraries and functions are prepared to program “Arduino” and we thought that they will make it easy for us to write programs. We are expecting that we will be able to use A/D converters and servo motors in this week.

And also, we are looking for sensors, such as gyroscopes and ultrasonic range finders. Gyroscopes are used to detect attitudes of airplanes. After we understand how to use “Arduino”, we will study how to use these sensors.
今回の飛行ロボットプロジェクトの目標はインドアプレーンの自動操縦装置を作成することです。今週はマイコンの学習のためマイコンを購入し各自勉強することとなりました。用いるマイコンボードはArduino UNOです。Arduinoを選んだのはわずかな部品を用意することで容易に電子回路を組めること、豊富な関数によりプログラミングが容易なことが主な理由です。今週は各自可変抵抗でアナログ電圧を作り、ADコンバーターでデジタル信号に変換し、サーボモーターを動かせるようにすることを目標としています。


菅原 寛生(Hirotaka Sugawara)
