2023 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team C Article 2May 31, 2023


Continuing from last week’s work, we assembled the framework for the horizontal and vertical tail fins. We cut the 2mm balsa wood stick to the appropriate length and joined them using glue. The three of us divided the task. Alvin and I assembled the horizontal tail fin while Kotaro worked on the vertical tail fin. Assembling the framework requires so much patience and accuracy, as a slight error in scale could prevent the motion range from functioning properly. For example, if the elevator is made slightly wider than the horizontal tail fin, it will interfere with the horizontal tail fin and will not move smoothly.
Another team member, Atsuki, has been focusing on designing the framework for the main wings using 3D CAD software. He has been working really hard for us and we appreciate it so much! Also in today’s class, he worked on designing it. Then, we discussed and finalized the details of the wing structure, such as the junction between the ailerons and the main wings. The picture attached was taken when Atsuki was designing the main wing and I was preparing to explain my idea to him.
Hopefully next week, we will cut balsa wood boards for the main wing with the laser cutting machine in the workshop and start assembling it. We will make sure that the ribs are properly aligned during assembly.
We are excited to see the project progressing and are looking forward to seeing our plane flying off the ground!
先週に引き続き、水平尾翼と垂直尾翼の骨組みを組み立てる。2mmのバルサ材を適当な長さにカットし、接着剤で接合します。私とアルビンは水平尾翼を、浩太郎は垂直尾翼を組み立てました。 骨組みを組み立てるには、根気と正確さが必要です。わずかなスケールの誤差で、可動域がうまく機能しなくなることがあるからです。例えば、エレベーターの幅を水平尾翼より少し広くすると、水平尾翼と干渉してスムーズに動かせなくなります。
もう一人のチームメンバーである篤紀は、3DCADソフトを使って主翼の骨格を設計することに専念しています。彼は私たちのために本当によく働いてくれていて、とても感謝しています! そして、エルロンと主翼の接合部など、翼の構造の詳細について話し合い、最終的に決定しました。
