2019 Autumn Semester Flying Robot Project Team A Article 4January 08, 2020


Our group, Group A, has decided to make an all-wing aircraft. The all-wing aircraft has the complicated shape, because the main wing and the tail wing are merged. However, all of us would like to make the flying robot which has the big main wing, so we have decided this shape of the aircraft.
In the class of this week, we continued the work as we did in the last week. We made the framework of the main wing on the blueprint which we printed out last week of it with wood and we also made the parts.
First, I will talk about the main wing. Considering the weight, 200g, and the speed, 3m/s, we had decided the area of the main wing, 0.76m2, solving the equation of Lift. We put the wood parts which we made of the balsa on the blueprint. We have to work carefully.
Second, I am going to the parts which connect the wing and the body, and which connect the body and the rod as axis. We used laser cutter. I moved the CAD data which shows the blueprint from my computer to the laser cutter’s computer. We cut the veneer as the blueprint shows on the computer. Veneer is more intense than balsa. So, we used it to reinforce the part which are very weak in terms of the construction. It is very interesting for me, because I have never done such operation. We also made the part which connects the body and the rod as axis. We also made this part, using the laser cutter.
In the next week, we are going to assemble the flying robot.
Thank you for supporting our study every week.
1) 主翼についてです。重量200g、速度3m/s を考慮して揚力の式より主翼面積は0.76m2と決まっています。バルサを切って主翼を作ります。慎重に作業を行いました。
2) 胴体と主翼をつなぐパーツと胴体と軸を繋ぐパーツについてです。レーザーカッターを使って図面通りにベニヤを切りました。ベニヤはバルサに比べて硬いので今日が求められる部分に用います。胴体と軸を繋ぐパーツはレーザーカッターを使って作りました。

