2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team A Article 2May 22, 2024


In the second session on May 22, we applied washi paper to the vertical stabilizer that we had made previously. We also started the construction of the horizontal stabilizer, creating the framework using balsa wood. Additionally, since there were some areas where the adhesive was not holding well from the previous construction, we reinforced them firmly. We also progressed with the design of the main wing. Next week, we plan to cut out the parts for the main wing using a laser cutter. 2回目となる5/22には、前回作製した垂直尾翼に和紙を張り付けました。また、水平尾翼の作製も始め、バルサ材を用いて骨組みを造りました。なお、前回作製したときに接着剤での固定が緩い箇所があったので改めて強固に修繕しました。また、主翼の設計を進めました。来週にはレーザーカッターを用いて主翼の部品の切り出しを行う予定です。
