To the 10th Indoor Flying Robot Contest_ BATMAN team 6thSeptember 28, 2014


 Weekly report from team BATMAN. We took part in the 10th Indoor Flying Robot Contest on September 27th and 28th. There are two sections in the contest - manual control section and automatic control section - and we entered for the manual control section.
 In short, the result was great.
 We scored 1520 points(max is 1550 points) and passed the preliminary round as the first place, and we scored 3355 points (maximum : 3650 points) in the final round and we won the championship of the manual control section !!
 Slow speed flight, stability, high rigid structure, and maneuverability - all of them were important for winning this contest. Our plane possessed these elements and provided high performance, that contributes to the result.
 And another important thing was , the design of our plane won popularity, especially of children.

 We obtained great experience from the contest and the whole project.
 I am grateful for the people who strongly supported us.

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Shintaro Sakaguchi
