2019 Autumn Semester Flying Robot Project Team C Article 1December 12, 2019


From today, we started to code our programs for controlling the aircraft. Since we decided to utilize quaternions to control the aircraft, we started by implementing a class for quaternions. We will be coding the programs with the C programming language, and this was the first time that I tried implementing a new feature to the C programming language. Therefore, I made the program while studying how to make a new program at the same time. By the way, the method of controlling the aircraft using quaternions is based on a research paper. In this paper, the method utilizing quaternions is applied to quadrotors, but we will be applying it to fixed-wing aircraft. According to the paper, the method using quaternions is useful because it can solve the problem such as singularity which exists in methods utilizing Euler angles and other conventional methods. Moreover, for me, this method is intuitive and easy to understand.
For the next step, we will be trying to acquire values from the sensor, actually controlling the servo motors, and determining the parameters required for the control.
