2016 summer semester Flying Robot Project 6th Team AMay 18, 2016


Last week, after the teaching assistants explained the details of each parts, we had a free time to modify the specification of our plane. We accomplished 5 tasks at that time. Firstly, we checked the present joint part between the wings and the body. Secondly, we decided where to set the servomotor of the aileron. We decided to set it beneath the main wings. Thirdly, we estimated whether we need any material that covers main wing diagonally. Fourthly, we considered how thick the ribs should be. Finally, we modified the angle of the main wings.

In the class last week, we succeeded in deciding many things. This is because we had almost completed our construction plan. We could make the best of the free time. The decisions we made are as follows.
1. The servomotor of the aileron should be placed under the main wings.
2. Near the root of the wing, we will attach crossing wood to strengthen the wings.
3. We will use balsawood of 2mm (thickness) to make the ribs.
4. We will attach the main wings at 10 degrees.

We almost completed the specification last week, but we left one thing to decide. It is a receiving apparatus. We need to consider what receiver will be good for our plane as possible.

Masaya Ido
College of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo

1. エルロンのサーボモータは主翼の下にとりつける。
2. 主翼の付け根付近は十字型にした材で主翼を補強する。
3. リブには太さ2ミリのバルサ材を使用する。
4. 主翼取り付け角は10度にする。


