2019 Spring Semester Flying Robot Project Team D Article 2May 08, 2019


We are team D and we are going to make a airplane that consists of multi copters and fixed wings.
In the last class, we shared our ideas about the airplane again and confirmed the idea of its appearance and detailed data of the size, the weight, the speed and so on. We decided on following data; The main plane shape: Rectangular wing, the area of the wing: 1m*0.3m, the shape of tail plane: rectangular wing, the area of the plane: 0.5m*0.2m, the full weight: 600g, the flying speed: 4.0m/s, the horizontal tail volume: 0.4m^3, horizontal tail angle of incidence: 15 degrees, wing angle of incidence: 20 degrees, kv value: 1900, the number of lithium batteries: 3s, the propeller size: 7 inches and the pitch of the propeller: 4deg.
We decided on making the airplane wing shape to be rectangular, since the teaching assistant said that method of making the rectangular shaped wings would be simple and clean.
Moreover, a new member has been joined in the last class. Our new member is a sophomore, and he experienced the flying robot competition last year. Moreover, his last team has made an airplane robot which has multi copters.
In the last of our class, we decided on mortars and propellers. The mortars we use are Dualsky ECO 2306C V2.The propellers we use are APC 7*4 FPV propellers for drone. Since a browser software which one of our team member had found showed the airplane would fly about 3.1 minutes, with 3S lithium polymer batteries.
In the next class, we will start making a structure of our airplane robot. However, before we move to making the structure, we have to discuss which material we will use for the structure. Our airplane would be heavier than a standard airplane robot, because our airplane robot consists of 4 motors whose total weight is 120g. Therefore, we should mainly focus on the weight when we choose the material.
 また、今回から私たちのグループに新しいメンバーが加わりました。彼は2年生で昨年の飛行ロボットコンテストにおいてマルチコプターの製作を経験した方です。そして今回私たちは使用するモーターとプロペラを選択しました。モーターはDualsky ECO 2306C V2を使用し、プロペラはAPC 7*4 FPVドローン用プロペラを選択しました。メンバーが調べたブラウザのソフトウェア上でデータを打ち込んだところ、リポバッテリー3セルの電力で3.1分飛ぶことができるという結果が得られたため、これらの組み合わせを選択しました。
