2016 winter semester Flying Robot Project 10th Team BJanuary 11, 2017


This week our team finished making our plane. We repaired the damage caused by the last flight, including the wing paper, which was torn, and the diagonal elements that came off due to crashing. In our last flight, we found out that our plane did not move straight while on the ground, because the wheels were not vertical, so we bended the wheels slightly. This week we also put on the Aileron, which is yet to be tested in our next flight. Lastly, we also added gussets to stiffen the diagonal elements within the main wing.
As for the autopilot, we finished testing the prototype electric circuit. We have checked the Arduino program works properly using the prototype circuit.
Next week we are going to make the circuit that shall be put on our plane. We will then calibrate the sensors we are going to use, and try to determine
the best PID parameters for our plane.

Department of space aeronautics
Keisuke Kanda

航空宇宙工学科3年 神田圭介
