2016 winter semester Flying Robot Project 8th Team BDecember 14, 2016


This week, we designed a part to mount the circuit board. We also soldered the electronic components on the prototype of the circuit board.
In the last class, we discussed how to attach the circuit board to the body. We decided to make a component made of styrene foam and attach devices such as servomotors and the receiver, other than the circuit board. We will start producing it in the next week.
On another day, we start soldering the electronic components on the prototype of the circuit board. It was very difficult for us to solder chip resistors because they were too small to handle. Though we were supposed to use chip resistors to reduce the weight of our plane, we may use normal resistors for this inconvenience.
We have two more weeks for the debut flight. From the next week, to complete the plane, we will make some small parts and do some adjustments.

Kota Dohi
Junior Student
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

土肥 宏太
