2016 summer semester Flying Robot Project 13th Team AJuly 06, 2016


This week, we have finally completed crafting the first version of our plane and prepared a case to carry it in. We connected the servo motors to the rudder, elevator and ailerons using strings and checked their movements. Also, we made some minor changes to main wing in order to improve its torsional rigidity. The first test flight is to be held on Wed. July 6th, so we are all glad that we made it in time. We hope our plane will fly as we planned.
The problem found this week is that our plane weighs about 210g, 10g heavier than expected. Also, the main wing may not be strong enough to bear agile movement. We have to revise the structure to reduce the amount of wood in the next version.

We have another big news this week. We have decided to join the Indoor Flying Robot Contest in August. We will participate in the autopilot section, so we will soon start developing the flight control system using raspberry pi zero, one of the single board computer, including auto landing system using camera. We are going to work much harder to ensure our victory in the contest.

Toshiya Maki
2nd year sophomore student
University of Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences (Natural Science 1 course)
もう一つ重大な出来事として、8月の飛行ロボットコンテストに参加することになった。自動操縦部門に参加するので、これからraspberry pi zero を使用したフライトコントローラの製作に取り掛かりたい。カメラを使用した自動着陸にも挑戦したい。コンテストでの勝利を目指して、作業に励んでいきたい。

眞木 俊弥
