Boeing Higher Education Program
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We visited Saitama Prefectural Urawa High School for an international exchange event on Feb 27th,... February 27, 2015 |
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Everything started with my “Why not?” reply to “Are you interested in international exchange in ... February 27, 2015 |
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The second visit to Yamanashi Prefectural Kofu Higashi High School startet 6:45 a.m. at the main ... March 11, 2014 |
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We met at 6:45 morning and left to Kofu by bus at 7:00. The bus was very spacious and comfortabl... March 11, 2014 |
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On March 11, after we came back from Kofu Higashi High School, actually speaking, I felt very ti... March 11, 2014 |
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Hi, there! It is Ted and here I am very glad to share my impression about Kofu Higashi Hi... March 11, 2014 |
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Last week, I was very glad to participate in the visiting to Kofu East High School. It is a nice... March 11, 2014 |
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This is Xiaozhou Jia, a first year master course student of Electrical Engineering department of... March 11, 2014 |
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The trip to Yamanashi was perhaps one of the most memorable trips I had been to. As soon as I kn... March 11, 2014 |
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The visit to Kofu Higashi High School was very fun and exciting experience. It was the first tim... March 11, 2014 |
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The Kofu High school visit program leaves a great impression on me. This program, promoted by b... March 11, 2014 |
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We went to Yamanashi prefectural Kofu Higashi high school to do one-day communication activity o... March 11, 2014 |
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I and other international students of University of Tokyo visited Kofu Higashi High School on 11... March 11, 2014 |
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When I heard the announcement about the visit to Kofu Higashi High School and that they needed v... March 11, 2014 |
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Last winter, we, international students from the Friday Lounge, visited a high school which is ... March 11, 2014 |
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For many of us, the disaster of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami will still be a sad memory i... March 11, 2014 |
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The first IAP began with a visit of 29 students from Kofu Higashi High School in Yamanashi Prefec... November 02, 2012 |
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Eleverna lyssnar koncentrerat och läraren Miho Noda flikar då och då in en förklaring på ett svår... March 19, 2013 |
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Three month ago, me and three other friends from Tokyo University got the opportunity to visit a ... March 19, 2013 |
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During my 6-month stay in Japan I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people and experience a c... March 19, 2013 |
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J'ai commencé chacune de mes classes en me présentant, puis en enseignant aux élèves du français ... March 19, 2013 |
International Activity, aims at enhancing international understanding through global experiences among students at elementary school to high school in Japan.
All the participants are expected to establish friendship and to develop global communication ability through visiting respective schools/universities and holding joint workshops.
We visited Saitama Prefectural Urawa High School for an international exchange event on Feb 27th, 2015. Five students from High School’s English Club and two teachers met with our international student Süheyla Koç. read more
Everything started with my “Why not?” reply to “Are you interested in international exchange in high school by introducing your country and your university?” question. In this context, they told me that I should make my presentation in English Club of Urawa High School. A presentation style and content were free, so I could tell them whatever I wanted. As an exchange student in Japan I have experienced the university life, but I have always wondered how the high school life is in Japan. In this regard, I thought it would be a great opportunity. But when I heard it’s a boy’s school, I hesitated a little because I was a watcher of “Gokusen” and “Rookies”. But the moment I entered the classroom, I understood that this school is not that kind of school. Everyone was studying in his place quietly. At first, I thought we were in the wrong classroom. The number of students made me disappointed. I was told that ten students would join the meeting, but I found only five students there. Actually with teachers, there were almost ten people. Then I looked in a positive way. Less people would help to create more intimate atmosphere, so everyone could talk more than two times.
The second visit to Yamanashi Prefectural Kofu Higashi High School startet 6:45 a.m. at the main gate of Hongo Campus on a vey chilly morning. 13 international students, two Japanese student and a School ofEngineering staff got in the bus chartered by Boeing Co. Ltd. Compared last year, almost three times as many international students participated in this program upon the request of the high school side.
We met at 6:45 morning and left to Kofu by bus at 7:00. The bus was very spacious and comfortable. View from highway was beautiful, especially the mountains. We arrived at the Kofu Higashi High School around 10:00. The school principal and staffs welcomed us warmly and treated us with delicious Japanese-style confectioneries.
On March 11, after we came back from Kofu Higashi High School, actually speaking, I felt very tired because of the long trip. I think not only me but also the manager sennsei (yoshiko sennsei) and the other students must be also tired. But I think it is really worth.
Hi, there! It is Ted and here I am very glad to share my impression about Kofu Higashi High School Program with you.
Last week, I was very glad to participate in the visiting to Kofu East High School. It is a nice chance to communicate and learn from each other with Japanese young high school students. During this visiting, I introduced some situations of China, such as geography, population, nations, and I also talked about my nation: Manchu. On the other hand, I had introduced my lab, Nakamura-Takano Lab of Information Science and Technology Department, Todai. Briefly introduced my robotics major and state-of-the-art technologies in robotics. They are motivated, talk and ask questions actively.
This is Xiaozhou Jia, a first year master course student of Electrical Engineering department of the University of Tokyo. I was very lucky to be admitted to join in the Kofu Higashi High School visit on Mar. 11th. It was really a great experience and I benefited a lot from this visit.
The trip to Yamanashi was perhaps one of the most memorable trips I had been to. As soon as I knew that I will visit Kofu Higashi High School, I felt so surprised and excited because I had never been to any Japanese High School before.
The visit to Kofu Higashi High School was very fun and exciting experience. It was the first time for me to enter such a Japanese school and to directly interact with the students. We, the students and I, both exchanged ideas as well as opinions on each of our unique culture. For me, I learn so many things about Japanese culture which I didn’t know previously. They introduced me to nattō (a fermented soybeans), nengajō (New Year postcard), kinkaku-ji ginkaku-ji (famous temples in Kyōto), tanabata (Japanese star festival), and many more else. All of them are very special and unique. I really hope that I can experience them once.
The Kofu High school visit program leaves a great impression on me.
We went to Yamanashi prefectural Kofu Higashi high school to do one-day communication activity on March 11th, 2014. The main content of the activity is to introduce culture and feature of my own country to students in that school, something about my university, study process and major, and in the same time to get information about Japanese traditional activities, festivals, characteristics and things about high school students themselves. The language used in this communication activity is English, in this way, the ability to use English to communicate and speak will be upgraded, and also it is one part of high school’s international communication.
I and other international students of University of Tokyo visited Kofu Higashi High School on 11th, March. For each 45 minutes, I communicated with over 10 Japanese high school students. Firstly, I introduced my hometown and the major I am studying in. And then, each student presented 1 special item of Japan. After all, I had them introduced about their hometown Yamanashi and did some free talk.
When I heard the announcement about the visit to Kofu Higashi High School and that they needed volunteers, I thought to myself that it would be an interesting and signed up straight away. Not only I was not disappointed, I was satisfied beyond expectations. It was the kind of experience that stays in one’s memory for life, and I will surely cherish it.
Last winter, we, international students from the Friday Lounge, visited a high school which is quite a far from Tokyo. The name of the school is Higashi Kofu high school and it was located in Yamanashi, which is surrounded with mountains. Atmosphere around the school, such as, many trees, blue sky and fresh air, refreshed me but I was quite a nervous because It was the first time to teach foreign language. After talking with teachers, I went to a classroom for first year and met students.
For many of us, the disaster of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami will still be a sad memory in our minds, even now, 3 years later. Which was why I was very surprised, that this date was chosen for our visit to Kofu Higashi High School in Yamanashi Prefecture for a cultural exchange program. However, being a part of this trip has changed my life forever.
The first IAP began with a visit of 29 students from Kofu Higashi High School in Yamanashi Prefecture on Nov. 2, 2012. After visiting Civil Engineering Laboratory in the morning, high school students joined International Friday Lounge, IFL, where international and Japanese students at the University of Tokyo meet and share lunch time, enjoying conversation together over lunch.
Eleverna lyssnar koncentrerat och läraren Miho Noda flikar då och då in en förklaring på ett svårt ord eller en avancerad fras. Det är en varm och vacker vårdag, fönstren i klassrummet är öppna och eleverna på Kofu Higashi gymnasieskola fokuserar på min engelska presentation av Sverige. Jag inleder med att presentera mig själv och mina intressen, de svarar försiktigt på frågan vad deras intressen är. Sedan fortsätter jag med att förklara varför midnattssol under sommaren i norra Sverige innebär att det på vintern blir perioder utan sol. Eleverna fick gissa hur många soltimmar min hemstad har både under vintern och sommaren, de fick lära sig om Sveriges klimat och kultur, entreprenörskapet som bildat många framgångsrika företag, hur det är att växa upp och studera där och så även om Skandinaviens ursprungsbefolkning Samer.
Three month ago, me and three other friends from Tokyo University got the opportunity to visit a Japanese high school in yamanashi prefecture. The School is called Kofu Higashi high school and is located 1-2 hours by train from Tokyo. Each of us was to present ourselves and our country. We were two from Sweden, one from Greek and one from France. My job was to introduce Sweden and my life in Sweden in English to the students. Since there are a lot of students in that school, each of us had to do the presentation to four different groups that day. So basically, we did the same presentation four times that day, which was a bit tiring. read more
During my 6-month stay in Japan I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people and experience a culture that is miles apart from what I’ve seen so far in my life. One such opportunity was kindly given to me by Yamazaki sensei and that was the visit to Kofu high school on March 19, 2013. Following a preparation meeting at Todai, three other international students (Anna-Maria, Ola-Kenji, Camille) and I were informed about the program and our tasks: we had to make an English presentation about our countries, interests, background and how we chose to come to Japan –simple in theory, but tricky to get teenagers’ attention in practice. At least I knew I was not going to talk about any scientific or historical matters, except for the Olympic games.
J'ai commencé chacune de mes classes en me présentant, puis en enseignant aux élèves du français simple afin qu'ils puissent se présenter de même, en français. De cette façon, j'ai pu attirer leur attention, apprendre leur nom et leur montrer à quoi ressemble le français. Après cela, je leur ai montré une carte de la France ainsi que de nombreuses photos de chacune de ses régions et de ses plus célèbres monuments, afin qu'ils aient une idée d'à quoi ressemble la France. Je leur ai aussi présenté la culture française à travers le travail de célèbres artistes, écrivains et scientifiques.