2014 Visiting Kofu Higashi High School Report 10March 11, 2014


 Last week, I was very glad to participate in the visiting to Kofu East High School. It is a nice chance to communicate and learn from each other with Japanese young high school students. During this visiting, I introduced some situations of China, such as geography, population, nations, and I also talked about my nation: Manchu. On the other hand, I had introduced my lab, Nakamura-Takano Lab of Information Science and Technology Department, Todai. Briefly introduced my robotics major and state-of-the-art technologies in robotics. They are motivated, talk and ask questions actively.

 The students introduced a lot about Japanese culture and beauty for me. Such as bento culture, kimono culture, hand writing, kendo, kyudo, May Festival, Japanese architecture, Nara Todaiji. At first, students were shy, but I talked something about movie stars and animate which they are interested in, they turned to be open. So I think when we communicate with youngs, try to break through by some pop topics would help to make friend with them.

 By the way, through this visiting, I find that there is tight relationship between Japanese and Chinese culture in both ancient time and now. They two always influence and promote each other. I wish China and Japan are peaceful and friendly forever.
上周,我非常开心的参加了甲府东高中访问交流活动。这是一个非常好的机会和日本的高中生,年轻人交流一些想法,相互学习。在这次活动中,我为同学们介绍了中国的一些情况,比如地理,人口,民族成分等,还介绍了我的民族——满族。另外,还讲述了我们東京大学情报理工学系中村高野研究室的相关研究情况。简要介绍了机器人专业的研究领域和前沿科技。 同学们很热情,也有积极的提问和讨论。同学们给我介绍了很多日本文化传统和风景名胜,比如便当文化,和服文化,书道,剑道,弓道,五月祭,日本古建筑,奈良东大寺等等。虽然开始的时候很腼腆,但是当我试着提出一些关于日本漫画,明星等他们感兴趣的话题时,他们会积极的参加讨论和提问。给我的启发是在和年幼的晚辈们交流时,试着从他们感兴趣的话题突入,和他们打成一片,有利于进一步的交流和沟通。

Department of Mechanical Informatics(工学系研究科機械情報工学専攻)
Tianwei Zhang (張 添威)
