2019 Autumn Semester Flying Robot Project Team D Article 4November 20, 2019


Today, we received our parts and the flight controller team discussed what program we should make for the drone. The picture shows what we got: four servo motors for the ailerons and the elevators, a micro computer, a sensor with an accelerometer, a gyro sensor and a geomagnetic sensor, ESC and lastly, a motor.
We came up with four programs required for the project.
First, we need a program to send information from the drone to the controller. By knowing the state of the drone and its program, we will be able to do the debugging.
Next, we need to decode the data that was sent by the controller. Since processing must be in real time when controlling an airplane, we must have the decoding process interrupting other processes when some information was sent from the controller.
Then, we have to control and stable the aircraft. We will be controlling the servo motors via the PID control based on the data from the accelerometer.
Finally, we should have a program which decides in what angle should the aircraft fly.

As a first step to accomplish our goal, we will try to receive data from the accelerometer.

