2016 summer semester Flying Robot Project 15th Team AJuly 13, 2016


 In the first test flight last week, our plane “Alpha” flied for sure. However, the main wing twisted so terribly that we could recognize the extent of twist by our sight. Because of that, we had difficulty in controlling the plane by the rudder, elevator and aileron. In addition, the aileron worked little.
Soon after the first flight, we hit on a solution. Firstly, to add another balsa wood to the main girder. Secondly, to attach a string underneath the main wing.
With these improvements, we conducted the second test flight this week. The result is as follows. The easiness of controlling the plane improved a lot. The rudder and elevator responded much better. The twist decreased. But, the last point we cannot improve was the effectiveness of the aileron. The aileron still didn’t work, so we have to solve the problem of it for the indoor flight contest on August 26th,27th and 28th.
After the test flight, in the class, we presented the result of our plane to class. In the presentation, to the movie of test flight, I added a BGM of a famous song saying “ Fly, fly, fly, fly and loop, loop, loop loop….(of course, in Japanese)” But few of the class members laughed against my expectation. I felt the world of airplanes is very severe.
Finally, I would like to say that all of us appreciate your support of Boeing. Also, we greatly celebrate the 100th anniversary of Boeing.

Masaya Ido
College of Sciences and Arts
先週の第一回飛行試験では、僕らの機体は確かに飛ぶことはできた。しかし、目視できるほど主翼が大きくねじれてしまう現象が起きたため、 エレベーター・ラダー・エルロンを用いた制御が難しく感じられた。加えて、エルロンの効果がほとんどなかった。


