2018 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team F Article 3July 04, 2018


This week we added forward portion of covering material for the wing. The covering is made from thin sheet of 0.3mm thick poly carbonate. The bent polycarbonate sheet is expected to function not only as a cover, but to reinforce the structure especially against twisting force. The original plan was to cover the entire front section of the wing. However due to the weight of the material, we decided to cover only the top-front quarter of the wing. The front edge was glued using superglue first. As the poly-carbonate sheet was bent, it was glued to the edges of other ribs. The sheet showed high resiliency and density, which probably indicate that thinner sheet of poly carbonate may have suited our purpose better. The sheet covered the area from the carbon fiber rod in the front edge of the wing, and one of the wooden beams in the middle. The edge where the sheet met the wooden beam had to be adjusted in height because the upper surface of the beam is not flush with the upper surface of the ribs. This is due to the airfoil changing near the tip of the wing. The wing showed added strength after the covering was applied. 今週は翼の被覆の前半を取り付けた。覆いは0.3mm厚のポリカーボネートでできてる。曲がったpcのシートは被覆としてだけではなく、構造的な強度を持たせることも狙っている。元々翼の前半全部を覆うつもりであったが重量が理由で下1/4は断念した。前縁を瞬間接着剤で留めて、あとは曲げながら留めた。シートは高い弾性を示し、もっと薄いものでよかったと考えられる。シートはカーボンロッドから上の桁までを覆った。桁との接合部は高さを調節しなければならなかった。翼型が途中で切り変わるためである。カバーが付いてから翼はより強度を見せるようになった。
