Project-Based Learning プロジェクト ベースト ラーニング

What is PBL?

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Project-based learning is offered in the “Flying Robot Project”, a part of “Creative Engineering Projects”. Junior and senior undergraduate students, as well as graduate students are welcome to join the project. An important goal of the project is to offer a chance to students to put in practice the knowledge they have gained in lectures to build and test their own aircraft. Following a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle, the students analyze and solve an assignment, and validate their answer. During the aircraft building and flight test phases, the students work in teams, where discussions about the progress of each task helps the students develop their leadership, management and organizational skills.


Creative Engineering Projects (Undergraduate)

Creative Engineering Projects (Graduate)








Activities Reportactivities "Project-Based Learning" Report

  • July 03, 2024

    2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team C Article 8

    We configured the arm switch on the transmitter and verified that all four motors functioned correctly upon arming before proceeding with the flight test. However, during the test, the arming operation proved to be unstable, and an error message indicating a drop in power supply voltage was displayed. Upon reconfiguring the settings, we discovered an issue with the electrical circuitry. It was identified that the logic and propulsion systems were integrated, potentially causing current instability. This might have been the root cause of the problem. When we conducted a test flight, the drone seemed to exhibit weak thrust. Consequently, we switched the battery to a 3-cell LiPo battery. Additionally, upon reviewing the logs, we found issues with altitude estimation. We plan to recalibrate the system before the next class session.

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  • July 03, 2024

    2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team E Article 8

    This week, we checked the operation of the rudder, elevator, and aileron. The rudder and elevator were operated by pulling both rudder and elevator with the embedded servo horns. The elevator has a T-shaped tail fin, so we set a relay point at the base of the vertical tail fin to move the thread. For the aileron, we attached a servo horn inside the aileron, connected it to the wing midsection with piano wire, and pulled both ailerons from the midsection to achieve aileron movement.

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  • July 03, 2024

    2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team B Article 8

    This is the Flying Robot Profect Team B, and we would like to share this week's progress. Today, we added the front spar made of bamboo to the main wing and finished temporarily fixing the wing parts. A professor pointed out that the wing must be more robust for the plane to fly. Therefore, we decided to add reinforcement parts that connect the ribs. Further, we found that we need to reinforce aileron frameworks and increase the surface of the vertical tail wings. We are going to work on these problems next week.

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  • June 26, 2024

    2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team A Article 7

    On 26 June, the seventh workday, we added diagonal elements to the upper and lower wings to increase their rigidity. We also started setting washi paper to the lower wings. Unlike the rudder and elevator, these wings were not flat, so we struggled to stick the washi without sagging. We also completed the ailerons, which we had started to make last week. The ailerons will be connected to the main wing with tape in the next week. Also, as soon as the upper wing washi is finished, the upper and lower wings will be connected and the central axis of the fuselage will be fixed.

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  • June 26, 2024

    2024 Summer Semester Flying Robot Project Team B Article 7

    This is the Flying Robot Profect Team B, and we would like to share this week's progress.
    Today, we first cut carbon pipes with a saw and continued with assembling the main wing with the joint parts made by the 3D printer: we marked where the ribs are attached to the pipes and temporarily fixed the ribs using masking tape. Using bamboo, we also made the framework of the tail wing. In the process, we were worried about the distortion in the rib in the main wing to which the tail wing will be connected with a carbon pipe. However, it was found that it is cleared when the carbon pipe is attached to the rib, securing its shape.
    Next time, we are going to keep assembling the tail wing and start gluing the frameworks for the main wing and the tail wing.

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