Aeronautics Innovation Course was held from 3rd to 5th August 2015August 05, 2015


This summer again, we held a summer intensive course “Aviation Technology Innovation” where about 20 students from Bachelor 3rd grade to Doctor 1st grade of mainly Aeronautics and Astronautics Department learned about the basic and the application of Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Structure and Helicopter Mechanism. The lecture also covers how to integrate technologies into an aircraft and invite lecturers from JAXA, MHI, KHI and FHI. Here is the comments from students;

- In this program, I went to see the wind tunnels and super computer and it was interesting. I wanted to learn more about jet engines.
- This program is exciting and interesting! If you are not aerospace engineering students, you will enjoy JAXA study and aerospace study.
- It was possible to hear many story from the people of the aviation sector who I usually can not communicate with ,and even to tour the facilities of JAXA that have been actually used. It was really meaningful three days. Thank you very much.
- Thanks for holding the classes.
- Those are unforgettable experiences that I had observed the Jet-Engine experiment faculty, the wind tunnel under the running and so on. What's more great is that I could realized the new interests which I had never known before this opportunity, such as the resonance insides of the combustion chamber or the reality of the flight simulator.
- Please let students know more and more interests of the aeronautics and astronautics, and also let them realize the possibilities and the wide views of the aerospace futures.
- It was a valuable experience for me to observe a variety of wind tunnels and to learn how to control an airplane or a helicopter with a flight simulator.
- It was a great opportunity to know how actual development projects are carried out. This summer course enhanced my motivation in the aeronautical field.
- Research attitude and development techniques in mechanical engineering is very interesting for me.
- This lecture is splendid .Thank you.
- In this lecture, I learned a lot which I cannot learn in normal class.Especially,I enjoyed the lectures on helicopter because there is no class on helicopter in my university.
- In our daily study at school, we hardly get a chance to know HOW our studies will help us design an actual aircraft. I was always being skeptical about all these mathematics and physics that we study; that they are merely an armchair theory that has low practicability. Through this course I was able to see many actual place of design such as CFD calculation room, wind tunnel, engine combustion room, et cetera et cetera… and I got a vague idea of how our studies will be applied in my future engineering activities.
What also surprised me is the fact that so many of our U-Tokyo alumni working in industries/JAXA had a chance to work in an international background. It has long been my dream to work with engineers from various countries; I’m starting to get a firmer idea of my future carrier, and so far it seems like to be a challenging but interesting one.
- It was very interesting to learn about front-line technology. I haven't had such a good opportunity, so it was very productive. I wanna visit JAXA again.
- By combining special lectures on aeronautics with observations of leading-edge research facilities, I learned a wide range of knowledge more effectively and comprehensively.
- I’m confident that this experience leads to improvement and advancement of my research.
- I think that I had valuable experiences, for example observing academic facilities and communicating with researcher in JAXA, on this class. These experiences will be important in the future for me.
- This lecture more aroused my interest in aerospace engineering because they were precious experience for me that I entered the wind tunnel and pilot the flight simulator of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter.
- This program will give new viewpoint about aeronautics.
- I really appreciate this program,which gave me a great opportunity to review what I learned and learn new things about aircraft technology. The lecture about aircraft development was very interesting. And I had a valuable experience with JAXA's tour.
今年も、航空の各分野の基礎と応用を、JAXA, MHI, KHI, FHIから直接まなべる航空技術イノベーション概論の授業が開催されました。学生達から満足度の高いメッセージが以下の用に届きました。

- JAXA調布には一般公開で行ったことがありますが、今回の授業では、風洞やスーパーコンピューターなど、そのときにあまり見られなかった設備もみることができ、大変楽しかったです。ジェットエンジンについてももっと学びたかったです。
