High School/University Joint Program supported by the Boeing Company in 2015 spring_Report1 March 30, 2015


Today I attended the 4th lecture of High School–University Coordinated Program as TA, with students from Urawa High School and Urawa First Girl’s High School. The goal of this lecture was to have a look at data analysis, to learn to use some tools to analyze the great amount of GPS data collected in school trips and to try to design a new travel route after that.

In the morning time, Associate Professor Fujio Toriumi from the School of Engineering and Associate Professor Toshihiko Yamasaki from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology explained the scope of the study of the Department of Engineering, and the importance and practical value of large-scale data analysis respectively. Then, under the guidance of two teachers, high school students and us learned several methods of analysis and visualization of GPS data, such as using Excel to analyze the data and generate graphs, or making using of some existing online tools, like Google Earth, Google Map, Heatmap, to reproduce journey moving scene.

In the afternoon, after the simple exercises, the students are quickly mastered the use of these analysis tools, and started to analyze the GPS data captured from the school trip of Urawa High School in Kyoto and the excursion of Urawa First Girl’s High School in Tokyo. The students are divided into groups and participate enthusiastically in discussion. In addition, teachers from the two high schools also joined them. After one hour of intense preparation, each group was required to present their analysis results, most of which were really interesting and creative.
I hope the high school students become more interested in engineering through this program and think more about the future. I had an enjoyable time talking with the students.

Jiani Hu
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
上午,在工学系研究科鸟海不二夫老师和情报理工研究科山崎俊彦老师分别讲解了工学部的学习研究范围,大规模数据分析的重要性以及实用价值,使同学们对工学部有了初步的概念,简单了解了数据分析的概念和意义。然后,在两位老师的指导下,我们和高中生一起了解并学习各种GPS数据可视化分析方法,利用Excel分析数据并生成图表,同时结合网上现有的各种工具,例如Google Earth、Google Map、Heatmap,再现旅途移动情景。

