The 25th UTokyo Techno-Science Café ReportJuly 31, 2017 工学系11号館講堂


The 25th Techno-Science Café was held on July 31, 2017. About 30 students, mainly elementary school students, participated in this event. The program was basically composed of two main parts. First, Assoc. prof. Kitazawa, Department of Systems Innovation, gave an explanation about how ships can float on the water by using simple experimental equipment and fundamental scientific principles of ships. Second, participants visited Hull Form Testing Tank in the campus and they saw how the hull forms are tested.


In the lecture, participants learned the principle of how a huge ship floats. They also did three kinds of experiments. The first experiment was done by using PET bottles and weights. It was to put two different weights in pet bottles of the same size, and then participants observed which pet bottle submerges deeper in the water. The second experiment was to put the same weight in bottles that have different sizes, and then they observed which pet bottle submerge deeper in the water. The result was that the heavier and the smaller sized bottle submerged well.


The third one was buoyancy experiment that was done with a wood block and plastic toy blocks. We placed the wood block on the water tank. Then, the participants put some plastic blocks on top of the wood block. Participants adjusted the location of the blocks when they placed plastic blocks on the wood block. Though many children could put 3 blocks, there were only few challengers who successfully put 4 plastic blocks on the wood block because the wood block was easily tilted when the fourth plastic block was put. They enjoyed challenging this experiment very much. 三つ目の実験は木のブロックとプラスチックのブロックを使った浮力実験でした。この浮力実験では、水槽の中に細長い木のブロックを入れて、その上にプラスチックのブロックをいくつ乗せられるかを調べる実験でした。児童の皆さんがプラスチックのブロックの位置を調整しながら載せました。三つまでは容易く載せましたが、四つ乗せると、木のブロックが傾いてしまい、四つまで乗せることに成功できた児童は少なかったです。


Besides of the lectures and experiments, the children also went to Hull Form Testing Tank building on campus. The equipment measures the performance of ship hull. First, the participants worn lifejacket and received safety instructions and a lecture on what they are going to observe. After that, they rode a railway bogie and waited till the device was working. When The big railway bogie starts moving, a model ship also start making waves. The children were fascinated into the phenomenon and process of how we measure the performance of the model ship.


The children learned the science of ship and performed several experiments through participating this event. They also saw hull form testing equipment and even rode on it. They looked happy because it was a unique experience for them. 参加者の子供たちは今回のサイエンスカフェを通じて、船の科学について説明を聞き、浮力実験を実際に行いました。また、実際に行う船型性能実験を見学することも出来ました。子供たちは普段出来ない経験ができで、とてもうれしそうでした。


By taking a group photo in front of the Hull Form Testing Tank building, Techno-Science Café was finished. I would very happy if the children get more interest in the ship and they can have fond memories through this event. It was a good experience for me how to teach them and help them to get more interested in science of ship.
School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, Park Sang Gyu (M1)
