Techno-Science Café’s Extra Edition ReportNovember 03, 2022 渋谷QWS


Techno-Science Café’s Extra Edition
Engineering x Gal
"Engineering Onimori Technology↑↑ Wireless Power Supply Champagne Tower 2022 Legend in Shibuya!!”



On November 3, 2022, the Techno-Science Café's Extra Edition, Engineering x Gal “Engineering Onimori Technology↑↑ Wireless Power Supply Champagne Tower 2022 Legend in Shibuya!!” was held at Shibuya QWS. This unique collaboration between engineering and “Gal” was held as a hybrid of online and in-person sessions, with about 30 people participating online and 20 in-person. 2022年11月3日、テクノサイエンスカフェ出張版 工学×ギャル「工学鬼盛テクノロジー↑↑無線給電シャンパンタワー令和伝説イン渋谷!!」が渋谷QWSで開催されました。工学とギャルという異色のコラボが実現したこの企画は、対面とオンラインのハイブリット開催となり、オンラインでは30名ほど、対面では20名ほどの方に参加いただきました。


First, Dr. Yoshiaki Narusue, Lecturer of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, School of Engineering, gave a lecture on what wireless power transfer is. There are several types of wireless power transfer, including electromagnetic induction, and the lecturer also explained the automatic design of coils for receiving power and reducing the impact on the human body and equipment, which he has been researching. まず、工学系研究科電気系工学専攻の成末義哲講師に無線給電とは何かについてご講演いただきました。無線給電には電磁誘導型をはじめいくつかの種類があり、講師が研究を進めてきた受電用コイルの自動設計や、人体・機器への影響の低減についても説明がありました。


After the lecture, the wireless power supply champagne tower was actually lit. After the guest speaker, Ms. Kyoko from Gal-Den (Electronic Workshop Unit), introduced herself, she suddenly took out her Alexa and with a shout of “Alexa, [light the] wireless power supply champagne tower!” Alexa then began to call out for champagne. The towers were successfully lit! The red glow of the two champagne towers was greeted with a gasp from the audience. 講演後、実際に無線給電シャンパンタワーの点灯です。今回のゲスト、電子工作ユニットのギャル電kyokoさんが自己紹介をした後、おもむろにAlexaを取り出し、「アレクサ、無線給電シャンパンタワー!」の掛け声とともにアレクサからシャンパンコールが鳴り始めました。タワーが無事に点灯!赤く輝いた2つのシャンパンタワーに会場からどよめきが起こりました。


During the intermission, the audience was invited to take a closer look at the champagne towers. We showed them how each glass of the 70-centimeter-high champagne tower contained a small LED chip, how the base underneath the tower worked, and how they could “feel” the wireless power supply for themselves by trying to make it blink using the LED chips that we attached to bamboo poles for this time. 休憩時間には、会場参加者にシャンパンタワーを近くで見てもらいました。高さ70センチほどあるシャンパンタワーのグラス一つずつに小さなLEDチップが入っている様子や、タワーの下に敷いた基盤の仕組み、今回使ったLEDチップを竹竿に付けたものを使って、自分たちで点滅させてみることで無線給電を「感じてもらう」試みも行いました。


The second half of the event was a roundtable discussion among the people involved in this project. Dr. Narusue and Ms. Kyoko, who were joined by Mr. Tsutomu Ishikawa from Ishikawa Plastics Industry, the provider of the glasses (Plakira) used in the champagne tower, had a lively discussion about the champagne tower and this project, a cross between engineering and Gal. The champagne glasses used in this project were strong, highly transparent, and had grooves carved into the bottom for easy attachment. It is a “tough glass that will not break even if dropped 1,000 times,” specially designed for the champagne tower. Mr. Ishikawa is a graduate of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Engineering, and he graciously participated in this project. イベントの後半は、今回の企画に関わってくださった方々で座談会が行われました。成末先生、ギャル電kyokoさんに加えて、今回のシャンパンタワーに使用されたグラス「プラキラ(Plakira)」を提供していただいた石川樹脂工業の石川勤さんなども加わり、シャンパンタワーについて、工学とギャルを掛け合わせた今回の企画について盛り上がりました。今回使用したシャンパングラスは、強靭かつ高い透明度を持ち、底には組み立てやすいように溝が彫ってあるという、シャンパンタワーに特化した「1000回落としても割れない、靭性を備えたグラス」です。石川さんは東大工学部の卒業生で、今回の企画にも快くご参加いただきました。


The wireless power supply we used in this project is a technology that will become more and more familiar to us in the future, which resonates with the “democratization of technology” that Ms. Kyoko is advocating. Although the collaboration between Gal and engineering was a new experiment, we proposed this project in the hope that hands-on experience would help people learn more about engineering technology. We hope that the Techno Science Café will continue to be an opportunity for people to become more familiar with engineering.

Eriko Yamada (M1,Department of Materials Engineering,School of Engneering, University of Tokyo)

山田江里子(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻1年)

