Boeing Higher Education Program
The 75th Komaba Festival was held from November 22 to 24, 2024, at the University of Tokyo’s Koma... November 22, 2024 |
"Experience Cutting-edge Research in Chemistry, Life Sciences, and Physics." On August 5, 2023,... August 05, 2023 |
Techno-Science Café’s Extra Edition Engineering x Gal "Engineering Onimori Technology↑↑ Wireles... November 03, 2022 |
The 32th Techno-science café, “Construction Work Using LEGO Brick” was held on October 19, 2019. ... October 19, 2019 |
The 31st Tokyo University Techno-Science Café, "Useful Surface Science to Know -Science of Wettin... August 03, 2019 |
The 30th Techno-science café, “What is the strength? Let’s make a pasta bridge” was held on Augus... August 02, 2019 |
The 25th Techno-Science Café was held on July 31, 2017. About 30 students, mainly elementary scho... July 31, 2017 |
On July 28, 2017, the 24th Techno-Science Cafe was held at the building 11 of the Faculty of Engi... July 28, 2017 |
The 23rd Techno-Science Café was held on December 11, 2016. About 20 students mainly from element... December 11, 2016 |
The 22nd Techno-Science Café, “Design and Manufacturing” was held again on August 10, 2016. About... August 10, 2016 |
The 22nd Techno-Science Café, “Design and Manufacturing” was held on July 25, 2016. About 30 stud... July 25, 2016 |
The 21st Techno-science café, “Let’s fly out to the Space!” was held on March 19, 2016. About 50 ... March 19, 2016 |
The 18th Techno-science cafe was held on March 7, 2015, and the theme was "Making Safe Cities: Cr... May 07, 2015 |
The 14th Techno-science Cafe was held on November 10. The theme was "The frontier technology, inn... November 10, 2013 |
The 13th Techno-science café was held on 28th July. The theme was “The batteries and the future o... July 28, 2013 |
Techno Science Cafe ‘The Future of Battery and EV’ was held on 28th, July, 2013 in the University... July 28, 2013 |
On the 24th of March 2013 was held a TechnoScience Café "Engineering Dojo" at the University of ... March 24, 2013 |
The 11th Todai Techno-Science café was held on 24th Mar. This time its theme was “Engineering sch... March 24, 2013 |
The 21st Techno-science café, “Let’s fly out to the Space!” was held on March 19, 2016. About 50 elementary and junior high school students participated in the event. At the beginning of this event, Prof. Nakasuka from department of aeronautics and astronautics gave a lecture, the title was “Basic Space Engineering”. He told us the mechanism of the satellites and rockets, and the space development. He also gave us quizzes about space engineering. After that, Ms. Naoko Yamazaki, who is a one-time astronaut of JAXA, gave a lecture, the title was “Activities of astronauts”. It was a precious opportunity for us to know the actual experience of going into space or training. Not only children but also adults listened attentively to her lecture.
After the lectures were over, children started to try test and handicraft. They tried simple vacuum test, selection exam for astronauts and handicraft of robot arm. We students supported them. We made a component that grabs something same as robot arm used in International Space Station (ISS). We made it with 2 paper cups and rope. Actually, we students previously made it the day before. We didn’t feel that it has some difficult process. However, I recognized that it has difficult process for elementary and junior high school students that day. It was difficult for me to tell them how to make it with words that children can understand. 講演が終わった後、実際に子供達が実験、工作を体験する時間となりました。簡易真空実験、宇宙飛行士試験体験、ロボットアーム工作の三本立てです。私達学生は実験、工作をしている子供達のサポートをしました。ロボットアーム工作では、紙コップ2つと紐を使って、国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)で利用されているロボットアームと同様の方法で物をつかむことができる部品を作りました。実は私達はこのイベントの前日、実際にこの工作を前もって行っていました。大学生の私達だけで体験した時は、到底難しい作業が含まれているようには感じなかったのですが、いざ当日小中学生のサポートをしてみると、小中学生には難しい作業もあったようです。工作の手順を小中学生が真似できるように分かりやすく伝えるということは難しいものでした。
We students also explained the test or handicraft on the stage before they tried it. I explained the robot arm. Although I prepared for explaining from the day before, it was difficult to explain the role of robot arm in the space for elementary and junior high school students. I felt that the points I thought when I explained to children resemble to the points I should think when I make presentation to those who have no expert knowledge about space engineering. It was a good experience to explain something while considering the background of listener. また、学生が各体験の前に壇上で簡単な説明を行いました。私はロボットアームの説明をしましたが、前日から練習していたものの、小中学生に分かるように宇宙でのロボットアームの役割を話すのは難しいと感じました。しかし、子供達に分かりやすく伝える時に考えたことは、航空宇宙が専門でない人達に私自身の研究を伝える時に考えなければならないことと通ずるものがあると感じました。相手のバックグラウンドを考えて説明する良い経験になったと思います。
At the end of the event, they took commemorative photos with Prof. Nakasuka and Ms. Naoko Yamazaki.
In this event, Prof. Nakasuka asked a student if he want to go into the space. The student answered “No”. It seems that “the space” is not a realistic place because of movies or novels now. I would be glad if this event motivates them to learn “real space” which is different from the space in Science Fiction.