Visit AirAsia Japan (2013)July 11, 2013


 We have a series of discussion about new business models and aircraft technologies for the future aviation in 10 or 20 years. We are interested especially in aircrafts for low cost carriers (LCC). In Japan, recently, many LCC have emerged and the market share of LCCs will be expected to continuously increase.

 We wanted to investigate the current needs of LCC. However, information available at the Internet were limited. To hear a “real” voice of airliner’s employers who are working in site, we asked AirAsia Japan for interviews. We are sincerely grateful to AirAsia Japan for their cooperation and profound understanding towards our project’s goal.

 At the AirAsia Japan headquarter at Narita, five employers joined the interviews on main issues of LCCs including maintenance, flight operations, handling, and management. They gave some opinions and tips on our project: for example, a breakthrough for reducing turn-around time, Japan’s unique character for LCC market, and a new type of aircraft for LCC operators. Thanks to this opportunity, we understand the problems and needs of LCC operators more deeply than before. We again greatly appreciate AirAsia Japan.

工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻 修士1年
玉置 義治(Yoshiharu Tamaki)
工学系研究科情報理工学電子情報学専攻 博士2年
金 ハンヨウル(Hanyuul Kim)
