Visit Jetstar Japan (2014)August 14, 2014


As an activity of “Aviation System International Project Based Learning” class, we are investigation new aviation cargo service ideas. And this summer, we had a chance to visit the head office of Jetstar Japan and to have an interview with a manager of ground operations.
We studied the basic thought of Low Cost Career (LCC), and the strategy of the air cargo business through the interview. LCC reduces the fare by charging attendant service, while the cost of attendant service is included in the fare at the legacy career. And LCC pays efforts to minimize any stocks and property. Furthermore, they undertake the air cargo business, and obtain additional and stable profit. Using container, Jetstar realizes shortening of the freight shipping-and-discharging time at airport.
We also visited an operation center, an office, and the back side of a check-in receptionist.
Through this visit, we got great insight on the cargo business, which we can not learn in class rooms. We brush up our ideas based on this experience. We would like to express our great gratitude to Jetstar personels for this wonderful occasion.
