2016 Europe Aviation Tour Report: Visit ONERASeptember 15, 2016 Toulouse


We planned and carried out a study tour of various important sites for the Europe aerospace industry (9/14-20/2016). This tour was intended for U-Tokyo students who wanted to learn about the aerospace industry other than from their studies, and those interested in an internship or career in the aerospace industry or abroad.
 On the third day of the aviation tour, we visited ONERA, the French national aerospace research center.
ONERA is a public research establishment, with eight major facilities in France and is world-famous for its wind tunnel facilities. In 2001, a trilateral joint research framework was established by ONERA, DLR and JAXA. Since then, ONERA has been an essential partner of Japanese aerospace industry.
We received an explanation about ONERA at first, and then departed for the facility tour. Concerning ONERA, we heard that its business portfolio focuses equally on civil, defense and dual-use. It was surprising to me that the share of defense is so high. In the drone study team, they applied AI to the landing point designation algorithm in order to realize the automation landing. In addition, they had a drone used to make an avalanche. I was so impressed and recognized the vast potential of drones at the same time.
It was a great opportunity for us to recognize the difference between French aerospace research centers and those of Japan, and we could imagine working abroad in the future. I would like to thank everyone concerned for providing us a wonderful time.
トゥールーズ最終日である見学3日目、私たちはフランスの航空宇宙研究機関であるONERA(Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales)を訪問した。
訪問は、企業説明を聞いた後ONERAの研究施設を順番に見学させていただく形で行われた。まず企業に関して日本と異なると感じた点は、ONERAのbusiness portfolioが1/3 civil(民間)、1/3 defense(防衛)、1/3 dual-use(民間・防衛両方)であること。防衛が占める割合が大きいように感じ、驚いた。見学した無人機研究では、自動運転を実現するために人工知能を応用した着地点探索等を行っていた。山で人工雪崩をつくるための無人機もあり、無人機が活躍する場は非常に広範にわたるということを改めて感じた.

工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻 修士1年 土屋晶嵩(Akitaka Tsuchiya)
